I don’t claim to be an expert in anything. I am an avid learner as we all should be. I enjoy helping others and building the communities that I love within the industries with which I am involved. Besides the technologies themselves, I love the communities surrounding them. The PHP community is one of it’s biggest draws. The materials I post are based on my own experience, they are in no way meant to represent the best or the most perfect way of doing things. I do try to continually improve myself, so hopefully the more I post the better my own skills will become. Your experience and opinion will help you to determine the best solution for you own problem. You are responsible to continue learning to reach solutions that meet your specific needs and advance your career to exceed your own dreams.

For my own benefit, and yours, I will reference other websites/blogs that I have found useful, but I’m in no way affiliated with them whatsoever except where disclosed. When you post your thoughts, opinion and codes on this blog, you should assume that I could benefit from it; as well as anyone else reading it. However, your personal details shared on this blog (for example email address, IP address and any other preferences) will never be disclosed without your consent. 

Thanks to 7php.com for such a great example of a disclaimer 🙂

Affiliate Links

I have used the following affiliate links only where I believe the material is most useful to me and to you:

  1. Amazon – One of my top resources for my own books, however, a local library is a fantastic resource as well. So check them out first if you can, most have an online catalog you can search.